What is medicine?

When you hear the word “medicine”, what comes to mind? Do you think of a substance designed to make you feel better, something that may not taste great but is good for your health, or a cure that requires a specific dosage and consistency to work effectively?

In the context of healthcare, medicine helps heal ailments. However, we often hear this word in spiritual contexts as well. Phrases like “plant medicine”, “spiritual medicine”, and “healing medicine” are commonly used in the realm of self-help.

Medicine can also be administered on a non-physical level, proving to be helpful and even essential. At times, spiritual medicine may be challenging to accept, but when the correct dosage is absorbed, it leads to improvement and healing.

For me, nature is my medicine. I need to consistently spend time in nature, or else my mood starts to suffer. I lose focus and energy if I don’t breathe in the fresh, green scent of trees or walk along a salty seashore every day. During harsh weather, it's difficult for me to embrace my nature medicine, especially when I don’t feel like going out into the cold rain. However, when I remain committed to this practice, the results are evident in my levels of joy and engagement.

I’ve also found that life passages can act as medicine. Over the past four years, I’ve experienced the loss of a sibling to suicide and undergone a significant change in a long-term relationship. In both instances, I resisted what happened, understandably so. I held on, pushed back, cried, and felt deep rage. It seemed like my world was crumbling at times.

However, the Spirit of Life guided me on a journey that helped me become a better human. I gradually learned to let go and gained a broader perspective of love. Although receiving that medicine was quite challenging - even awful at times - I do feel better now. I see the parts of myself that needed to wake up and grow. I’m improving my ability to love and care for others, and I feel a greater capacity for service.

I’m curious about the kind of medicine you are experiencing in your life right now. What is needed for your healing and health? Are you going through a difficult phase, a loss, or a period of growth essential for your development? Are you receiving the medicine of support or challenge from someone else, such as a partner, child, or parent? Perhaps you are finding solace in plant or natural medicines that are important for your growth and understanding.

Integrating your medicine is crucial for maintaining good health. Amidst all our learning, playing, pondering, grieving, and caring for others, we need time to reflect and process the events in our lives, absorbing the valuable lessons to aid our growth.

The medicine of the world is all around us - in our interactions with others, in our connection with nature, plants and animals, in our practices and habits. When we absorb the medicine well, then we bring it to heal those around us. In the process, we grow and heal ourselves.

I hope you’ve found medicine in reading this! I’m sending you love and care today.

Penelope (Lone Peep)

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How to truly connect with yourself