How to truly connect with yourself

They say that you become better at loving others when you are good at loving yourself. It's easy to feel selfish about loving yourself. Why should you focus on "self-care" when so many others need your attention and energy?

Well, the truth is that prioritizing your own well-being does increase your resilience in the face of life's challenges. When you give yourself time for meditation, quiet reflection, exercise, and relaxation, you become a more grounded person. You're able to face the ups and downs of your relationships and work experiences with equanimity - a sense of balance and contentment.

So what does it mean to love yourself? Simply put, it means cultivating a relationship with yourself. Spending time alone reading books, taking in a movie, going for walks, participating in personal exercise, meditating, and writing - all these things help you enjoy your own company. To connect with who you are, it's important to be curious about what you enjoy and why. What is your response to the world around you? What does it feel like to sit quietly in your own presence?

To feel into self-connection, try this exercise:

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths. Allow your attention to focus inward. What's happening in your body and your breath? How do your muscles feel? Keep breathing; no need to change how your breath is coming. Just notice.

Now open your eyes and look at your surroundings. What do you feel in your body as a response to what you see? Sit quietly like this, closing and opening your eyes slowly, checking into your response.

There is no right or wrong way to do this. Maybe you notice that you're feeling stressed and your breathing is rapid. That's absolutely okay. It's still self-connection to feel what is real; there's no point in trying to feel differently. The key is to ask yourself why. Keep tuning into your sense of presence and stay curious about what is happening for you.

When you practice really connecting with yourself, you will come to a place of deep understanding. Even when challenging situations come up, you'll find yourself returning to this poise of established connection.

Along with practices of delighting in nature, absorbing good books, music, and exercise, this simple self-connection practice will change your life. And in turn, you will positively affect everyone else around you.

Sending you big love,

Penelope (Lone Peep)

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