How to connect with Spirit

You might wonder, what do people mean when they talk about Spirit? Is it some kind of God presence? Is it just your own self? Is it a cosmic flux in action?

When I mention the word Spirit - which I do often - I’m talking about the animating life force energy of everything and everyone on the planet.

Science shows us the multitude of ways that Spirit is manifest in nature’s cycles, human bodies, animal behaviours and plant species. But it’s not able to capture the essential quality of LIFE. Only Spirit does that.

Spirit is the invisible yet tangible expression of being that characterizes our experience. Sometimes it feels emotional, motivating and enlightened. Sometimes it feels quieter, self-reflective and even sad. Much of the time, Spirit can be felt in our bodies as energy and movement.

You don’t have to be spiritual or religious to notice Spirit. It’s as simple as the blood coursing through our veins, the constant heartbeat that keeps us alive. You may just experience it as a good connection with a friend that makes you feel whole and alive.

To connect with Spirit, pay attention to the invisible qualities of your experience. When you go for a walk by the water, you may notice the scent and sound of the river or sea next to you. You may notice the lightness or heaviness of your limbs as you go forward. But also stay attuned to the subtle quality of being in the place that you are. Let yourself notice the aliveness in your moment.

When you’re with someone you care about, go deeper than the expressions on their face and the sound of their voice. Listen for the quiet nuances of their being, the unnameable characteristics. This is Spirit, alive in your loved ones.

Spirit is everywhere and it’s inescapable. When you feel consistently angry, depressed or stuck, it’s because the flow of Spirit is impeded somewhere in your life. Releasing the block can be as simple as spending more time in nature and taking deep, conscious breaths. Or it can be as complicated as changing your life completely by leaving a job or relationship.

Try asking questions of Spirit.

“What do I need to do now?”

“What is the best for myself, my loved ones and the whole world?”

“How can I live a fuller life?”

You will feel the answer by a lift in your body or a flattening. Listen to the subtle responses of Spirit, which have a silent knowing that is not interrupted by the anxious thoughts of your mind.

Your mind is not Spirit. Your anxieties and control attempts are you. Allow yourself to surrender these thought processes to Spirit, and see how this approach brings change and peace to your existence.

Spirit is all around you and within you - all you need to do is engage.

Sending you big love today,

Penelope (Lone Peep)

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